
The code-include is not showing up. What do I do?

Add Fallback Text

If you add :fallback-text: to your code-include directive, even if your target is missing, code-include will still always show something.

.. code-include :: :func:`foo`

Enable Logging

Instead of building your sphinx documentation with a command like

sphinx-build documentation/source documentation/build

Try using

LOG_LEVEL=0 sphinx-build documentation/source documentation/build

code-include comes with logging messages and $LOG_LEVEL controls the verbosity.

0 = all+ (show everything) 10 = debug+ (very verbose) 20 = info+ (useful messages) 30 = warning+ (a message indicating a cause for concern) 40 = errors+ (something broke in an unrecoverable way)

Enable Exceptions

code-include by default doesn’t prevent docs from building if an exception is found. You can disable this (e.g. raise exceptions) by adding this to your

code_include_reraise = True